Each year, the Wisconsin Dairy Goat Association promotes interest in dairy goats in our state. One of the ways we encourage our young people in this aspect of agriculture is through our Share-a-Kid Program. We award an average of 4 to 6 dairy goat kids to young people across the state each year.
This is a competitive statewide contest. The youth applicant will write an essay of 100 words or more about why they would like to have a dairy goat, how they are going to take care of her (food, shelter, and medical care), and if they have ever raised a goat. We also want to know why they want to raise a goat and what they love about goats.
If the youth is new to raising goats, please include who your mentor is.
This is a very competitive contest, and we want you to put a lot of effort into your essay. Spelling and content count. The essay can include drawings, photos, or anything special things that you would like to include. Please keep a copy of your essay because no essays will be returned.

If you are selected as a winner of a kid, your essay will be given to the donor. While we make every attempt to award winners one of their breeds of choice, if those breeds are not available, the Wisconsin Dairy Goat Association reserves the right to offer another breed to the winner. Share-a-Kid winners are not required to give a doe kid back to the program, but we encourage them to do so.
- Youth must be between the ages of 10 and 17 by January of this year to enter.
- Entries are accepted January 1st until April 1st of this year.
- Entry form and all required signatures must accompany the essay.
- Youth must be a member of 4-H, FFA, WDGA, or other agricultural groups.
- Only 1 goat may be awarded per family per year, however, siblings are encouraged to enter.
- Youth may only win one time.
- Winners are required to show their goat at County Fair or in an open class goat show this Year or the following depending on when fair entries close.
- If under any circumstance the kid received through the program is to be sold or re homed the individual or party who donated the kid will retain the first right of refusal.
- Youth who receive a kid must give updates to those who donated their kid at both 6 months and 12 months after the kid is received.
- A thank you of some sort (letter, card, etc.) should be given to the individual or party who donated your kid at the time of pick up.
- A photo should be taken at time of pick-up of youth, donor, and donated kid. Please send digital copy of picture to Share-a-Kid Chair.
The deadline to submit your application/essay is by no later than April 1, 2023. All applicants will be notified of results by no later than May 1st, 2023. If you have any questions on this process, please contact Share-a-Kid Chair Andrew Puetz @ ANDREW.PUETZ@GMAIL.COM.