4-H Enrollment

How Do I Join 4-H?

Register Online

Click the button below and it will take you to the 4HOnline website, where you can register your family and children as 4-H members!

Joining 4-H is FREE! Youth have the opportunity to gain skills, such as leadership and communication, while engaging in fun activities focusing on a variety of topics.

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Extension Oneida County

Oneida County 4-H

Nicolet College, PO Box 518 Rhinelander, WI 54501

**Applications will be processed by the Oneida County Extension office for the time being. You will be registered for Forest County 4-H.**

It’s free to join! All youth, ages 5-19, are welcome!

What Is A Project?

Additional Resources

The enrollment guide is a wonderful resource for members, both new and old, as it gives detailed information on the process of enrolling or re-enrolling on 4HOnline. For guidance on how to enroll, re-enroll, add a new member to an existing family or register for an event – click the link below.


 Questions? Need clarification? Contact Forest County 4-H:

Anne Williams, Forest County UW-Extension 4-H Program Educator

Phone: 715-365-2750

Email: apwilliams@wisc.edu


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