Join Forest County 4-H for our very first Forest County Peeps-o-Rama Contest!
We will mail a package of EIGHT Marshmallow PEEP bunnies with contest instructions for each registered youth beginning on Monday, March 20th. Request for PEEPS will be open until Monday, March 27th. You may purchase your own Peeps but please no imposter Peeps in order to keep the judging experience equal and fair.
You create a diorama of your FAVORITE place in FOREST COUNTY! Is your favorite place the Lake Metonga campground? Or maybe the Rebel Basketball Court? Or maybe it’s your favorite place to get ice cream! Or the Wabeno library! There’s lots of great places for peeps in Forest County!
Use at least 3 Peeps and other craft materials of your own choice to create the diorama scene. All entries should be around the size of a standard shoebox, with maximum size of 12″ x 18″ by 12″.
Bring your completed Peep Diorama to the Thursday, April 6th SPARKS club meeting at the Argonne Town Hall beginning at 6:00 p.m. Dioramas will be judged by celebrity judges (to be announced!) with winners announced soon after.
Stay at the Argonne SPARKS club meeting for fun Peeps Science games and activities!
Questions? Call or text Michelle at 715-889-1097 or email
Request your peeps here: Forest County Peeps-o-Rama Contest (