Join Forest County 4-H for our 2nd Annual Sunflower Growing Competition!
This contest is free and open to all youth in Forest County ages 5-19.
Forest County 4-H will mail a packet of five sunflower seeds and growing instructions for each registered youth beginning by May 25th.
Seeds should be planted between June 1st and June 15th. We will follow up with youth throughout the summer with hints and tips about growing sunflowers.
If everything goes correctly, the sunflowers will bloom in late August and early September. Prizes will be awarded to youth for the tallest plant and largest bloom.
Registration for this contest is required so that we may mail you the seeds and contest rules.
Please register here: sunflower registration, or by calling Michelle at 715-478-7797 and leaving your name and address.
If you have any questions, please call Michelle at 715-478-7797.