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Forest County 4-H
What is 4-H?

4-H is a learn-by-doing youth development program delivered throughout Wisconsin. In 4-H, youth design and participate in their own programs and activities. This unique, learn-by-doing model teaches kids essential, transferable skills that they’ll use throughout their lives, such as problem solving, decision making, coping, communicating and responding to the needs of others.
What do you do in 4-H?
Youth belong to a 4-H club or group in local communities. They plan, lead and participate in group activities and community service events. The Cloverbud program is for youth in grades K-2 and emphasizes cooperative learning. Youth in grades 3 and higher select areas of special interest for learning called projects. Projects include anything from aerospace to photography and beyond. Youth also participate in camps, fairs, leadership workshops or other local, county or state events.
How do I join 4-H?
Who’s in charge of 4-H?
In Wisconsin, 4-H is the youth development program of the University of Wisconsin-Extension. Each county has a UW-Extension office that administers the 4-H youth development program and provides partnering support through local tax dollars. At the national level, 4-H is part of the National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) within the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), the federal partner of the state land-grant University.
What projects are available?
4-H gives you a chance to try a lot of things that might help you decide on a career or a life-long hobby. In the next column are some examples of projects available.
4-H Projects:
Arts: Express yourself by drawing, painting, sculpting, shooting photos, making videos, acting, singing or writing.
Animals: If you love animals, 4-H has projects for you, whether it’s dogs and cats or cows and horses.
Citizenship: Plan and carry out a community service project with your 4-H friends.
Computers: You can learn to use new software or design your own website.
Environment: 4-H can take you outside to learn about wetlands and wildlife or to plant a garden.