Home » 4-H Community Clubs in Forest County
4-H Community Clubs in Forest County
If you are interested in starting up a 4-H Community Club, please contact our office!
A 4-H Community Club…
is made up of 5 or more youth, guided by a certified adult 4-H volunteer leader and/or 4-H Educator, and meets regularly in an inclusive community space. Youth are elected to guide the activities of the club and all youth members are given opportunities to make decisions and share their ideas. 4-H Community Clubs are excellent ways for youth to gain confidence and leadership skills, meet new friends and participate in new experiences, becoming more independent and resilient.

4-H Clubs Are…
Regular gatherings that are fun and give youth the opportunity to:
Socialize and make new friends.
Find help exploring topics of interest.
Explore leadership opportunities.
Take part in culturally-specific activities.
4-H Clubs Offer…
Small-group learning.
Caring adult volunteers that are screened, trained, and guided by UW-Extension staff.
Research-based curriculum and best practices for non-formal learning.
Support to help youth dive deeper into their projects and learning.

It is free to join and participate in 4-H community clubs!