Understanding Addiction – (Part 2 of an Educational Video Series)

U.W. Madison-Extension of Forest County is partnering with the Community Coalition of Forest County and its many members  to offer activities and education to all age groups and cultures in our diverse county to improve the health and well-being of our residents with a focus on substance abuse prevention and building resiliency. Check out the second video in the 4-part Mental Health and Substance Use […]

Parenting Online

Join us for eParenting Little Ones and/or Raising High Tech Kids: Surviving and Thriving Online Courses! eParenting Little Ones- for parents and caregivers with children 0-5 years old by Julia Erickson, HDR Educator with Forest County Potawatomi Raising High Tech Kids- for parents and caregivers with children 6-17 years old by Tierany Rugg, HDR Educator […]

Overdose prevention Narcan training to be offered

To respond to the increase in opioid overdoses locally and statewide, the Community Coalition of Forest County is partnering with the AIDS Resource Center of Wisconsin to provide free Overdose Prevention (Narcan) training to Forest County residents. The training will include information on local substance abuse resources, the importance of alerting emergency responders (calling 911), […]

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