More money in your pocket with the Affordable Connectivity Program!

Submitted by Steven Watson, Forest County Digital Navigator Internet access is quickly becoming a necessary utility and just like power and gas it’s another bill that piles up every month. But what if that pile didn’t need to be quite so high?  Communities like ours that need assistance getting access to the internet can save […]

Positive Youth Development March 2023 Update

Submitted by Michelle Gobert Youth Artists and Volunteers Needed:  We are looking for youth ages 3rd grade and above interested in helping brainstorm, create and paint a patriotic mural for the Forest County Veterans Memorial on the Courthouse Square.  We are currently gathering names and contact information and will plan to meet shortly after Spring […]

Quick Tips: Sale of Farm Products and Homemade Foods in Wisconsin

Submitted by UW-Madison Master Gardener Volunteer Michelle Gobert As local gardeners begin to think about the upcoming planting season and the potential to sell fresh produce at local farmers markets, it’s important to know about local and state regulations that govern preparation and sale of foods to help ensure public health and protect your brand! […]

Clover Connection and Early Literacy in Forest County

Submitted by Michelle Gobert, Positive Youth Development Educator Last fall, Forest County Extension began a program titled “Clover Connection” at area local libraries designed to introduce toddlers and preschoolers to hands-on learning opportunities in the areas of Science, Technology, Engineering, Art & Math.  Clover Connection is a family-centered learning opportunity with caregivers present and engaged […]

Save Money by Reducing Food Waste

Submitted by: Terri Kolb, UW-Extension FoodWIse  In the United States food waste is a big concern. Wasted food is the largest solid waste component going to landfills. According to Feeding America, 25-40% of food grown, processed, and transported in the US will never be eaten. Foods that end up in landfills create a harmful gas […]

Using Wood Ash in the Home Garden

Submitted by Michelle Gobert, Forest County Master Garden Volunteer If you heat your home with wood or have a wood fireplace, you might have a bucket of wood ash nearby and are wondering what use it can be in the home garden. Wood ash can be a valuable addition to soils, when used appropriately. You […]

Teaching Children about Money

Submitted by Michelle Gobert, Positive Youth Development Educator Financial education, or personal finance classes, give youth the knowledge and skills they need to make informed financial decisions, develop sound financial habits, and manage money effectively.  When utilized properly, these life skills can help young adults finance their education, purchase a home or vehicle, and provide […]

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