FoodWIse Notes

Summer Food Safety 

Submitted by: Terri Kolb, FoodWIse Administrator Summer is almost officially here!! Many of us have already started the season with cookouts, camping, road trips and other activities that involve food. It is important to remember that bacteria grow faster in warm temperatures, so extra care needs to be taken to prevent food poisoning when preparing […]

This Spring Think Healthy Greens

Submitted by: Terri Kolb, UW-Extension FoodWIse Administrator Vegetables are an important part of a healthy diet. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, leafy vegetables such as lettuce, spinach, cabbage, kale, and bok choy, provide nutrients that help protect you from heart disease, stroke, and some cancers. But leafy greens, like other vegetables and fruits, are sometimes contaminated with […]

Creating Healthy Eating Habits for Kids 2-8

Submitted by: Terri Kolb        Health and Well-Being Educator       University of Wisconsin Madison-Division of Extension Forest and Oneida       Feeding young kids can be tough – refusing to eat new foods and other picky eating habits are common at this age. Childhood is a critical period for developing eating behaviors and habits that last into adulthood. Early eating habits […]

Save Money by Reducing Food Waste

Submitted by: Terri Kolb, UW-Extension FoodWIse  In the United States food waste is a big concern. Wasted food is the largest solid waste component going to landfills. According to Feeding America, 25-40% of food grown, processed, and transported in the US will never be eaten. Foods that end up in landfills create a harmful gas […]

Tips for Food Safety During Time of COVID-19

Everyone is working hard right now to keep ourselves, our family, and our communities healthy. Two important practices we can all do to protect against COVID-19, also commonly referred to as Coronavirus, is to maintain physical distancing of 6 feet while on essential trips, such as getting food, and frequent hand washing. There is much […]

Extension’s role in Addressing Wisconsin’s Opioid Crisis 

As Extension returns home to UW-Madison, we are uniquely positioned to respond to complex issues like Wisconsin’s opioid crisis.  To learn more about Extension’s opioid programming and community outreach efforts, read our fact sheet below: Extension’s role in Addressing Wisconsin’s Opioid Crisis

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