Forest County Master Gardener Training

Forest County’s UW-Madison, Division of Extension is excited to announce a Level 1 Master Gardener program will be offered in Crandon beginning in May of 2019.

UW-Extension Master Gardener Volunteers are trained in a wide range of horticultural topics via a multi-session training course that will be held every other Wednesday evening May – October 2019.     The classes will be held at the Crandon Public Library, beginning from 6:00 – 8:00 p.m.

The first class, Wednesday, May 1st, will be an introduction to the Master Gardener program and will allow participants the opportunity to meet instructor Jill Krueger, review the course materials, and decide if this course is the right fit for you.

Master Gardener course work teaches plant management principles and prepares participants to help others in their community by assisting with community beautification projects, horticultural demonstrations, answering plant care questions, and many other volunteer opportunities.  The course instruction is free, although the instructional materials cost $100 for an individual or $160 for a couple.  Included in these materials are the instruction manual, a handbook of UW-Extension publications, and numerous materials that you will take home as part of the hands-on skill-building sessions that are the main feature of the course.

Although each evening will deal with a different topic, there will be some type of hands-on and/or outside activity nearly every session, allowing participants to better understand plant management principles that they can then use to help others.  The ‘costs’ of the free instruction are repaid with the volunteer hours that new Master Gardeners return to their community.  All area residents are welcome to be a part of this opportunity to grow in your own horticultural knowledge and share those skills & knowledge with others.


Registration Form







Registration for the Orientation meeting scheduled for Wednesday, May 1st at 6:00 p.m. can be done either by mail or online.

For questions and/or concerns, please feel free to contact Michelle at 715-478-7797 or email at


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