In preparation for Crandon’s Memorial Day services, students from Crandon High School, along with Forest County Master Gardener Volunteers, spent time last week weeding, raking, planting, pruning, mulching and painting the Veterans Memorial Park located with the Forest County Courthouse Square.
Memorial Park was originally unveiled to the people of Forest County as part of Forest County’s 1926 Memorial Day celebration. The celebration began with a parade, led by Patsy Shay, the only Civil War Veteran able to take part in the services. The American Legion organizations of Crandon, Laona, Hiles, Wabeno, and Argonne also participated with the sisters of Raymond Pichotta of Wabeno, a gold star Veteran, unveiling the WW1 monument.
The clean-up project, a collaboration between Tressa Votis’ annual AP Psychology service learning project and Forest County’s Master Gardener program, allowed the students to give back to their community while spending time outside of the classroom learning landscaping techniques and a bit of local history. The volunteers involved with the project not only devoted their time and energy to the project but also donated materials. Mrs. Winnie Krueger donated a solar light for the globe memorial, Tress Votis donated mulch and paint, Penny Aderholdt donated flowers, Nancy Conway donated planters and flowers and Jill Krueger donated soil and flowers.
The project was truly a community project between volunteers, students, and the Veteran’s Memorial Association and one that the organizations hope to continue.