Digital Navigator Program

To connect with Forest County’s Digital Navigator, please contact:

Steve Watson


Or complete an online referral form to connect with Steve

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Keeping Kids Safe Online

Submitted by Steven Watson, Forest County Digital Navigator Keeping yourself safe online can be tough as an adult. Toss an impulsive and curious child in the mix with just enough computer skills to get into trouble and things get down right chaotic! It can seem impossible to fight this digital battle on multiple fronts, from […]

“It’s Game Time” Game Design Program

Join Forest County’s Digital Navigator as he explores a brief history of the gaming industry and how you can get started learning to mod, design, and manage making your own video game!We’ll also be looking at where to find supportive communities and how to turn game design into a career.

No need to fear! Your Digital Navigator is here!

Forest County and the NDIA Grant In September, Forest County was awarded a grant in partnership with the National Digital Inclusion Alliance along with 17 other organizations across the county to improve digital equity in their communities. The goal of this grant is to provide the community with a Digital Navigator to assist primarily with getting […]

Gotta go fast!: An introduction to Broadband

Submitted by Steven Watson, Forest County Digital Navigator We’ve come a long way since the days of screeching modems and slow dial up downloads. Sure it might have been annoying waiting for a page to load or setting up a long download to run overnight but that was our world and we lived with it. […]

Getting started with Technology

Submitted by Steven Watson, Forest County Digital Navigator Learning new things can be daunting at times, especially when it comes to technology. There’s so many bells & whistles tacked on to every new device it’s hard to know what it’s all for! Where do you even begin? It all starts with overcoming any initial fears […]

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